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网站首页 -> 主机频道 -> 电玩攻略教程 -> PSV几何战争3:维度白金攻略奖杯一览 PSV几何战争3:维度白金攻略奖杯一览作者:佚名  来源:D7VG   2015/7/7 15:25:42   我要评论0



白1 金4 银17 铜9 总31

#1PlatinumGeometry Wars3 Dimensions Platinum Trophy

#2SpecialistUpgrade any Drone to its maximum level

#3MaximiseUpgrade 5 Drones to their maximum level

#4BoomKill 100 enemies with a single Smart Bomb


#5First StepEarn 3 Stars on any level in Adventure Mode


#6Geometry WarriorEarn 3 Stars on all 50 levels of Adventure Mode

#7Keen AdventurerBeat the Topaz boss in Adventure Mode

#8MillionaireScore at least 1 million points on any level in Adventure Mode


#9Multi MillionaireScore at least 100 million points on any level in Adventure Mode

#10GeomtasticEarn a multiplier of at least 1000 on any level in Adventure Mode


#11Kill Them AllKill every enemy type found in Adventure Mode at least once

#12Dying TimeBe killed by every enemy type found in Adventure Mode at least once

#13Powered UpActivate each Super State at least once

#14Best FriendsBeat the Garnet boss in Co-op Mode

#15BFFAchieve 3 Stars on all 10 levels in Co-op Mode

#16GathererCollect 1 million Geoms in Adventure, Ultimate or Hardcore

#17Beat CraigBeat the Developer high score of 11,261,635 on Peanut Dreams in Adventure Mode

#18Beat ColBeat the Developer high score of 4,769,150 on Gate Dash in Adventure Mode

#19Beat PhilBeat the Developer high score of 21,478,525 on Nufo Flow in Adventure Mode

#20Rocket DestroyerDestroy 10,000 Rocket enemies in total

#21DeadliestComplete Deadline Classic without losing a life

#22BossmanDefeat any boss in Adventure Mode without using a Drone Super or a Smart Bomb


#23RetroScore over 10 million on Evolved Classic Level before losing a life

#24Sharp ShooterScore over 500,000 on Twisted Blister in Adventure Mode without moving

#25SurvivalistSurvive for 30 seconds on Pacifism Classic without going through a gate


#26PeacekeeperSurvive for 60 seconds on Deflector in Adventure Mode without shooting and pass the level


Score over 500,000 points on Waves Classic without moving

#28Bullet ProofScore over 2 million on Maze in Adventure Mode without dying

#29Beat AndyBeat the Developer high score of 21,468,350 on Pacifism Classic

#30King KillerSpend 60 seconds outside of the safety King Zones in King Classic

#31Cleaning UpDestroy the cleaner

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最新推荐游戏 PS3亚尔斯兰战记X无双
大小:15.63G / 语言:简体《亚尔斯兰战记X无双》日版,本座是由光荣旗下无双系列制作组Omega Force开发的动作游戏,改编自《银河英雄传说》小说家田中芳树原着、自1986年连载至今的架空历史小说《亚尔斯兰战记》,采用《钢之鍊金术师》漫画家荒川弘执笔之同名漫画改编电视动画版设定为基础,融合架空历史剧情与大规模战场战斗。
大小:1.95G / 语言:英文Nordic Games宣布要为PC玩家带来PainKiller新作《斩妖除魔:地狱诅咒(Painkiller:Hell & Damnation)》。该作由波兰游戏工作室Gliwice/Katowice负责开发,首次将该系列升级至虚幻3引擎。
大小:957M / 语言:英文《猴子岛的秘密2特别版》是Lucasfilm旗下的经典解谜游戏《Monkey Island》系列的最新版,在新版中不仅仅是在画面上重新进行了再次制作,连音乐、旁白都是全新的。可以说这是一款全新的《Monkey Island》也不为过。
大小:460M / 语言:英文《山姆和麦克斯:拯救世界》是一系列逗趣得奖作品中的第一弹,这系列作品中每一季共有6集的内容。在游戏中主角Sam以及他那活蹦乱跳的兔子伙伴Max这次遇到了棘手的谜题,他们身边的人忽然全都受到了催眠。不但是童星们与热门脱口秀的主持人个个精神不济,就连美国总统都中了招!到底 Sam与Max能否在整个世界陷入昏迷之前找出整件阴谋的幕后元凶呢?
大小:25.6M / 语言:英文卡坦岛是一款比较不错的思考策略游戏。游戏以大航海时代时航海家发现了一个资源丰富的岛屿为背景。该岛屿被唤作卡坦岛。卡坦岛由平原、草原、森林、山丘及山脉组成。

精彩美图 GTS1080P高清壁纸公布 快来舔屏吧!饥荒巨人的统治精美壁纸一览黑暗之魂3壁纸及艺术概念图欣赏飙酷车神狂野之旅无水印高清壁纸