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9 页 第九章:实验室



其他待办事项 1
Location: At the start, head off to the right to find a dancing Mummer.Requirement: Pull out your Camera and enter Selfie mode. Wait for a Butterfly to land on your head, then take a photo. Wide-angle lense may be necessary for it to register.

隐藏礼物 1
Location: Head towards the Lab entrance, but don't go in. Head past the trees on the left to find the first Present.

纸艺设计图 1 - Scientist
Location: Once you descend from the lobby into the lab itself, turn around to see a white Scientist working away.

纸艺设计图 2 - Computer
Location: As you make your way past the large squeezeboxes, you'll see this on a ledge above you.

其他待办事项 2
Location: Immediately after the Computer, use the bounce pad to find a Scientist with a blue present.Requirement: Have the Wendigo throw a rock into each goal. Stand in front of one, then dodge when he throws one.

其他待办事项 3
Location: Continue across the large squeezeboxes to find this next Scientist with a blue present.Requirement: Pin a Tie on the Scientist.

隐藏礼物 2
Location: After acquiring the Squeezebox and defeating the Scraps, move forward. When you encounter more Scraps, defeat them, then use the fan on the ground to float up to the ledge with the Present.

隐藏礼物 3
Location: Eventually you'll extend a wavy, paper bridge using your Squeezebox. Jump onto the bridge and walk along the hidden walkway on the other side of the bridge to find the Present.

纸艺设计图 3 - Squeeze Box
Location: Continue moving until you have to navigate a ball using fans. From here, advance into the next section to find the Squeeze Box. You can actually see the Squeeze Box from quite a distance, but you won't be able to photograph it from that far.

隐藏礼物 4
Location: Continue moving until you reach a section with fans blowing in your direction. From here, walk left to find the last Present.

纸艺设计图 4 - Tall Chair
Location: Right at the end of the chapter, inside the Chief Scientist's office.

相关阅读:撕纸小邮差故事宣传片 11月22日发售https://www.paopaoche.net/tv/29373.html《奥日与迷雾森林》通关后想收集就只能重https://www.paopaoche.net/tv/59965.html


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